Yesterday there'll now see again that the short pipe Lee Seung Yeon kkukku kkakka a real addiction ㅋㅋㅋ
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I ttewot, was embarrassing fall wind. ... change the bike it seems to be enormous fun. Like the old mini-Bello (Grasshopper was) even if only enough to go to around two hours I will be. Assi bar was suddenly Hangul Nha comprehension drops the kids grow haetdeoman gya gya is? Not only I want to hear no more logical rainy geolro want to believe but can not change ahdwi struck find that shit? How lovely ... I'll kick your report gangang yiradeonde ㅜㅜ waeke cute janmang change ㅋㅋ give take
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The push bar. Fuxin minutes already the only problem I see today is largely the morning and evening kkukka brand image. This quiz dangled twice. But video quiz push one out without prior quiz ... so a total of three. Kkukka 2 video trivia quiz one, by the way video is created. Why would yutup
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F I go ㅂㅌ cold wearing only a thin tee paejjo Lana ㅠ ㅠㅠ juheon raising much man-to-man but he had lately been awful handsome networks ... (~ Yeouido, Jamsil Sindorim Station ~) be the unknown artists I = ?? moralist Yesterday there was going short pipe, and now again see Lee Seung Yeon This kkukku kkakka a real addiction But he ㅋㅋㅋ juheon been awful handsome five days Quiz 9:00 - kkukka Today 31 OK cashback push 5P 3 total
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