Yeotguna signing of the methane come and gangeo Solo Suwon, heterogeneity, Min Sang-gi is renewed ... gujaryong Jeonbuk line leading gujaryong Jeonbuk send Football
Colon) / 28R diameter / (29R colon) / 32R light path Jo Yeong-wook 1R, 17R light, 28R diameter / (29R colon) / week three kinds of (2R Red / (3,4R colon) / Light 9R, 10R light, 21R light / (22R colon), /) + (1-2 governmental write reset) / 29R diameter, cumulative Red Yellow 34R / (35R colon) / Passage value 5R light hwanghyeonsu 1R path,
Colon) / 17R diameter, 26R light, 37R diameter / (38R colon) / Davison 30R light mix 18R light, 32R light, 37R diameter / (38R colon) / Park Yong Woo 11R light, 37R light Park Joo-ho 1R path, 8R diameter, 21R path / (22R colon) / 27R diameter, 34R light opaque devices 19R light Shin Jin-Ho 1R path, 7R Red / (8,9R colon) / 12R diameter, 22R diameter / (17R colon) / 25R diameter, 31R
If Kim Han-gil 26R light bakdongjin 2R diameter, 23R light, 33R diameter / (34R colon) / 37R light Park 2R diameter, 16R light sinjaewon 6R light Ali bar Aliyev 6R light, 9R warning stacked cards / (10R colon) / 27R diameter, 34R If / (35R colon) /
Jo Jae-Cheol 34R light, 38R light Choi Jae-soo 4R light, 8R diameter, 19R diameter / (20R colon) / Province moto 2R path, 6R light Sung Min Ha 13R light, 14R light, 27R diameter / (28R colon) / 38R around cod gojaehyeon 23R diameter Dae - Won; If 11R, 19R Red / (20,21R colon) / 30R diameter Kim Dong (4R light, 7R light, light 19R / (20R colon), /) +
Colon) / Vague ningyo 1R light, light 22R, 32R Red / (33,34R colon) / bakhyeongjin 3R diameter, 21R around four rich environment 9R, 11R light, light 14R / (15R colon) / songjingyu 22R 11R new world environment light, If 12R, 13R diameter / (14R colon) / 16R light, light 31R 37R antoniseu light path Yang Sang-Min 8R, 10R light, 17R diameter / (18R colon) / 25R warning stacked cards / (26R colon) / 30R 18R light Yeom Ki-hun
Warning stacked cards / (26R colon) / 30R light Yeom Ki-hun 18R light ohhyeongyu 13R light, 23R light Lee Sang-min 38R warning stacked cards / (next season 1R colon) heterologous 34R light, 37R light jeonsejin 2R path, 8R diameter, 27R diameter / (28R colon) / joseongjin 17R light path Choi Sung-Keun 7R, 13R light, light 16R / (17R colon) / 21R path,
Reportedly received nearly guaranteed. The first player signed a new contract was heterogeneity. The official hinted that "the renewal of the disparity was resolved most quickly crossed the middle of December and found nine agreement. The long-term contract salary level athletes also are satisfied." However, methane and from two defenders had a problem. Coach Lee Lim-Saeng asked to hold all the players. However, the club has passed the disapproval expressed their budgets reasons. As a result, the contract negotiations broke down gujaryong is dwaetgo, Min Sang-gi belatedly agreed
If 24R, 27R diameter / (28R colon) / 32R diameter, 35R Red / (36.37R colon) / gimgyeongjae 1R diameter, 2R path, 7R light / (8R colon) / Light 9R, 14R light gimgyeongjung 20R light, 22R light Kim Min-hyeok (4R light, 5R light) + 25R diameter / (26R colon) / 38R light gimjinhyeok (6R light) 32R + 28R path around town awards
30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38R, next year 1 ~ 6R Colon Colon Seongnam Daegu jeongtaeuk 38R 38R yieunbeom missed Suwon Samsung Ulsan Tae Hwan Kim, Jong - Woo colon 38R 38R 38R colon colon mix Ulsan Jeonbuk Shin Hyung-min 38R Colon Jeju Yun Il-Lok 38R colon Jeju Lee Chang-min 38R, next season 1R colon Pohang and changrae 38R colon Kangwon Kang, Ji - Hoon 9R light, 24R light, 28R diameter / (29R colon) / 36R diameter Kim Oh-gyu 1R diameter, 10R light, 12R diameter / (13R colon) / If 16R, 18R light, 26R diameter / (27R colon) / 28R
/ (9,10R colon) / Blossom end 5R light, 6R light, 8R diameter / (9R colon) / songmingyu 6R simdong light cloud (24R light) + Sim Sang-min light 35R, 38R light Yoo Jun-soo 4R If complete delson light 11R, 37R path yigwanghyeok 8R light, light 24R, 28R diameter / (29R colon) / phase shifter 6R light, 11R warning stacked cards /
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